Publishes: Sunday, June 1
Distribution: Mailed to subscribers and homes in the area as well as distributed at the winner's event.
Space Deadline: Friday, April 18
​Art Approval Deadline: Friday, April 25
Cover concept for illustration purpose. Actual cover design may be different.
The Best of Central California full-size winner's magazine is a beautifully produced full-color magazine that will be treasured and used.
This will be a great experience for our readers, winners and advertisers. The magazine will create a guidebook for all things “best” in Central California, with a long shelf life.
The magazine will be mailed to subscribers and homes in the area as well as distributed at the winner's event.
Advertising options include everything from the cover position, 2-page spreads to 1/6 page ads. Advertising is not contingent on being a winner. The Best of Central California magazine is a great vehicle to get your message in front of a highly engaged audience looking for places to eat, things to do, and more.
A variety of sizes are available along with guaranteed placement aligning your ad next to the category of choice.

Each Gold winner will be featured with a profile and photograph along with the win level. Silver and Bronze winners will be listed with their website, address, and phone number.
Drive customers to your business by becoming a public pick-up location for the winner's magazine.
250 copies - $1,250
Your business name and contact information will be included in a minimum of:
3 print ads in The Fresno Bee
2 social media posts on Best of Central California Facebook and Instagram Pages
3 email blasts to Best of Central California Subscribers
50k digital display banners running on FresnoBee.com and BestofCentralCalifornia.com